Brand Strategy & Creative Comms Consulting Firm

What’s with the name?

We are a small team that focuses on big idea thinking for big and small brands alike. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver exceptional quality work that captures the imagination and drives consumer action.

We believe in the power of craftsmanship. We love to make creative work that people enjoy consuming, kinda like pies. There’s a different Pie for different people. Serve the right pie, made with supreme craftsmanship, to the right person and you have the opportunity to take them to a place they have never been before - by taking your brand where it has never been before. We like to call this uncharted territory “Slovakia”. Our goal is to make something that is so good, that you & your audience can’t help but dance.


Contact Us

61 Hillcrest Avenue, Blairgowrie.
+27 64 779 4012

Areas of Practice



There are Pepper-Steak people and there are Steak & kidney people. Serving a great pie to the wrong person can end in disaster no matter how good the steak is. We use our specially developed strat methodology (the lunchbox theory) to help you better identify who to serve which pie to, and how to serve it to them.



We believe in making creative ideas that work - both smart and hard - because there’s no reason why good ideas can’t also be good business.

Media Production


What’s the point of making something that isn’t worth sharing? People only share things that they love and everyone loves things that are made with an appreciation & consideration for craft.

Great work doesn’t disrupt the conversation, it informs it.

Don’t interrupt stories, make them.

Get in Touch

We’d love to chat further about everything you’ve heard, read, seen here, your business/organization and everything in between. Please feel free to drop us a line whenever you’re ready to do so.